Online Childcare Course: Why You Should Start Today

Online Childcare Course: Is It Worth It

Online learning is a multi-billion-dollar industry these days. That means the quality of education is just as high as in person. So, getting your Childcare Certificate online is efficient and safe. Taking an online childcare course can help you change careers or advance your current career.

Mature students juggling life, family and children are often at a disadvantage in traditional learning centres. Studying online allows you to advance your career while still working and raising a family. Taking an online childcare course means you can do it all. 

Top 3 Reasons to Choose an Online Childcare Course

  1. Convenience and Comfort – You can choose to study when the time is right for you. Some of us are early birds, and some are night owls. Whichever one you are, online courses let you optimise your study habits for better results. You can study at home, in your pyjamas. Or in your bed. Or on your couch with your favourite blanket.
  2. Save time and money – No commuting or dealing with public transit! You can reduce your petrol use while avoiding traffic jams and foul weather. Also, with course materials online, that means no textbooks to buy and less paper to print.
  3. Flexibility – Not only do you schedule your own study time, but when life gets in the way, you can re-schedule your study time. Sometimes things happen. Illness, injuries, and unexpected work calls can interfere. With an online self-study course, it’s easier to adapt to the unexpected without compromising your studies.

What Are the Benefits of an Online Childcare Course

If you miss class days because of family or work obligations, you can be penalised. Also, you might lose out on class material that’s difficult to make up after the fact. Inclement weather and bad traffic can cause you to miss class time, too. Online classes avoid all those issues.

Studying online allows you to advance your career while still working and raising a family. Taking an online childcare course means you can do it all with no commuting, no public transit, and no crowded classrooms.

Many institutions are increasing their online learning options in response to COVID-19. The risks of in-class learning these days might scare you off. But you shouldn’t delay or avoid something that will benefit you for years to come. 

COVID-19 has affected employment across all sectors, but tourism, hospitality, and the restaurant industry have been especially hard hit. Those industries will take years to recover fully. Also, there’s no one promising a full recovery. Some will have permanently lost jobs and will need new careers.

Online classes are the perfect opportunity to pivot your career in a new direction. Many people will not be able to wait out the recovery; they need a more secure job now. 

If you’ve already completed your Cert III or above and are ready to start work with children, check out my course. It focuses on starting your own Family Day Care business. There’s a lot of benefits to being your own boss and working with a smaller group of children.

Online Learning and Your Work placement Experience

Even though an online childcare course offers the same instruction that you would get in person, all students must complete the practical requirement. This work placement experience takes place in approved childcare settings. Students normally  need 150 hours to graduate, or twice that for the Diploma.

Usually, practical experiences are arranged through the institution. Formal childcare centres work with these schools to place students in approved spots. Even though the class is online, this is the same for both styles of learning. Also, if there are other requirements such as First Aid and CPR, those need to be taken in person.

So, is an online childcare course worth it? Yes, it’s worth it. The flexibility and self-paced studying can not be matched in a traditional learning environment. If you need to work full-time and learn part-time, you can do that. If you’re going to learn full time, that’s fine too. 

The benefits of a new career in a growing and expanding sector with the support of Australia’s government can not be understated. 

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