Family Day Care Australia Awards: How I Get Nominated Every Year

Family Day Care Awards: Ho I Get Nominated Every Year

The Family Day Care Australia Awards is a prestigious event. The awards are held every year. The goal is to acknowledge outstanding achievements in our industry. It is hosted by Family Day Care Australia (FDCA).

As a national peak body, FDCA is a not-for-profit group. Therefore, their role is to advocate for our industry. Furthermore, developing our industry will benefit all families. By providing outstanding child care services, we serve our communities.

The nominations open in winter time. The committee receives hundreds of submissions. Then, they select seventy-five semi-finalists. Next, the committee selects four finalists. There is one finalist picked from each region of Australia.

Why Are the Awards Important

It’s a top-rated program. The mandate is to support and promote FDC Educators across the country. Just as important, they recognise outstanding performance in Child Care. Current and previous families can nominate you online.

Also, your friends and family members can nominate you. Thus, it’s a way for them to show appreciation for your hard work.

You can check out the guidelines at the FDCA site. These guidelines can help guide your nomination. Some questions that families will answer may include points related to the way you are:

– Supporting children’s learning and development.
– Showing a professional approach to children’s education and care.
– Sharing your uniqueness in your approach to early childhood education.

As an Educator, it’s essential to know and understand the FDCA values. It will help you better your practice. Also, it increases the chances of being named the Educator of The Year. Not to mention, you will benefit yourself as well as the families you serve.

Part of the process includes showing how you met the criteria. There are three primary selection criteria.

– Support learning and development.
– Demonstrate expertise in early childhood care.
– Unique approach to early childhood education.

The Family Day Care Australia Awards recognise all Educators. We are the ones that make our industry outstanding. Indeed, the strong ties between Educators and families can create lifetime bonds. In fact, it is these stories that FDCA is proud to celebrate each year at the gala event.

Accordingly, this essential piece of our childcare network needs support. After joining, you’ll have access to professional tools to grow your business. Also, they offer insurance plans and funding packages to members.

How To Get Nominated For the Family Day Care Australia Awards

The FDCA sends out marketing material each year. Once I receive the material, I print it. Then, I’ll set up an info table for the parents. In addition, I send a package home with each child.

Next, I send out a parent email. The email has all the information and links to nominate. The email explains why the Excellence Awards are vital to me. The award comes with grants to further professional development. It’s important on a personal level, too.

Also, the feedback from my families lets me know that I’m on the right path. I’m passionate about providing a quality service. And I post on my social media accounts. I use this to encourage people to vote and thank them for their efforts.

Parents can include messages on their submissions. Then, parents can share these messages with the Educator. I enjoy receiving these messages as a type of feedback. It lets me know I’m providing an  excellent service.

After The Nomination

The selection committee will notify you of the nomination. The email will ask for the supporting evidence mentioned earlier. Also, there are questions to answer about your practice.

After nomination, I receive a certificate that I can print. Then I post this notice in my Day Care space. You can and should share the certificate on your social media platforms. The document can show expertise for potential new families.

This year, 2021, will be the tenth consecutive year for the Family Day Care Australia Awards. Each year, there are many stories in the media about the awards. These stories include publishing the nominees and the winners. So, it’s an excellent chance to promote your business.

Thus, it’s an outstanding chance for positive publicity for your Family Day Care. Also, it’s a chance to increase awareness and knowledge of the industry.

Check out our course “How to Start a Family Day Care Business” if you haven’t opened your Family Day Care yet and want to learn everything about starting this rewarding business!

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