So, you’re probably wondering why you need to look for “Family Day Care near me”. I mean, if you’re going to open your own. So, do you need to know where all the others are? Yes, you really do need to know about all the other FDC’s in your neighbourhood.
Why you need to Find A Family Day Care Nearby
Part of opening your own business is competition research. That’s true of any business. It will help you build a strategy for your business. It’s also called a business plan. And, you definitely need a solid plan to be successful.
While searching, be sure to look at other forms of child care nearby. You shouldn’t exclude long day centres just because it offers a different format. They’re still competition.
If your area is saturated with child care, will you be successful enough to earn a living wage? What services are offered at those other FDC’s? Maybe no one is offering weekend care. Or there’s a lack of before and after school care. If you can identify that gap, you can create a niche for yourself and be wildly successful.
In addition to their services, you should pay attention to their fees. Don’t forget the extra fees beyond the daily charge. Are they charging for meals? Do parents provide the food? Price points and services can vary wildly. You don’t want to be out of touch with the local economies.
Researching the Competition
Developing a business strategy is key to a successful business. Research will be part of any plan. Not just researching your competitors, but also your potential customers.
It’s a good idea to make this sort of research a semi-regular thing. After all, neighbourhoods change. And so should the businesses that serve those neighbourhoods. It will be necessary to adjust services and prices to stay competitive and grow your business.
Sometimes, it’s necessary to offer a low price point initially to attract business. Lower prices might be key if the market is saturated. Over time, you’ll build a reputation and base of clients. It’s also possible to research other areas that may be in a child care desert. If it’s feasible, relocating would be an option.
How to Search for Family Day Cares Near You
How do you find what’s available for nearby child care? Looking for Family Day Cares nearby is an essential step to building your business. Sometimes, it’s as simple as asking. You can ask neighbours. Also, local schools would have a good idea of child care available in the area.
Some shops have community boards where people post flyers. Also, you might find a similar board at public libraries and community centres. These flyers would give you an idea of what services are offered and at what prices.
I’m not sure you can operate a successful business in this day and age without a social media presence. Most childcare centres and Family Day Care Educators are advertising their businesses online (or at least they should be) So, search Google, Facebook or Instagram. You could likely find them all there.
Finally, Family Day Care Australia has a Find Child Care service. Here, you enter your desired neighbourhood or postcode. It will provide a map of services and Family Day Cares near you.
This service won’t tell you much about those services, but it is an excellent place to start. The information will tell you how many Educators are nearby. It will also tell you if they have current vacancies. Last, it will tell you what service provider they use. However, it won’t give you any information about what services they offer. Or the pricing information.
Care for Kids is also a good option for your research as well as Child Care Finder. Make a list of what you find and try to discover as much information you can.
The nitty gritty details will require a bit of sleuthing to uncover. Discrete sleuthing, that is.
My course, “How to Start a Family Day Care Business,” can help you identify your niche, develop a strategy and launch a successful business as a Family Day Care Educator.